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Python for Beginners (Full Course) | Programming Tutorial

Navin Reddy (Telusko)

Python Tutorial, Easy Python tutorial for beginner, learn Python Programming, learn python programming with example and syntax. Download python, install python, using python IDE, IDLE, Pycharm IDE, notepad, getting started with python, variables, functions, object, list in python, set in python, help in python, data types, operators, math function, run, debug python code, conditional statement, array, matrix in python, python by navin reddy

Python Programming Essentials for Beginners

Dr Loue Sauveur Christian

Welcome to the "Python Programming Essentials for Beginners" course! This comprehensive course is designed for individuals with little to no programming experience. Throughout the course, you will learn Python programming fundamentals through a series of hands-on lectures, practical exercises, and real-world coding challenges. By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and skills to tackle a wide range of programming tasks using Python.

Python Programming Course: Learn Fast and Learn Well

Jamie Chan
This course is designed to help you learn Python programming FAST and learn it WELL. If you are an absolute beginner in Programming, youll find that this course explains complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner. Examples are carefully chosen to demonstrate each concept so that you can gain a deeper understanding of the language. If you are an experienced coder, this course gives you a good base from which to explore Python. The appendices at the end of the course will also provide you with a convenient reference for some of the commonly used functions in Python. In addition, as Richard Branson puts it: "The best way of learning about anything is by doing." At the end of the course, youll be guided through a project that gives you a chance to put what youve learned to use.

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Lesson of Hastening the Judgement

A Father and his Daughter were playing in the park. His young daughter spotted an apple vendor. She asked her father to buy her an apple. Father didn’t bring much money with him, but it was enough to purchase two apple. So, he bought two apples and gave his daughter. His daughter held one apple each in her two hands. Then a father asked her if she can share one apple with him. Upon hearing this, his daughter quickly took a bite from one apple. And before her father could speak, she also took a bite from the second apple. A Father was surprised. He wondered what mistake he made raising her daughter that she acted in such a greedy way. His mind was lost in thoughts, that perhaps he is just thinking too much, his daughter is too young to understand about sharing and giving. A smile had disappeared from his face. And suddenly his daughter with an apple in her one hand said, “Father have this one, this one is much juiciest and sweeter”. Her father was speechless. He felt bad about reaching to the judgement so quickly about a small child. But, his smile came back now knowing why his daughter quickly took a bite from each apple. Moral: Don’t Judge anything too quickly or reach a conclusion. Always spare a time to understand things better.

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The Way God Helps People

There was a small village by the river. Everyone lived happily and offered regular prayers at the village temple (Church). Once during the monsoon season, it rained heavily. The river started overflowing and flood entered the village. Everyone started to evacuate their homes and set out to go to the safe place. One man ran to the temple (Church). He quickly went to the priest’s room and told him, “The flood water has entered into our homes and it is rising quickly. And water has also started to enter the temple. We must leave the village as in no time it will sink under the water! Everyone has set out to go to the safer place and you must come along”. The priest told the man, “I am not an atheist like you all and I have a full faith in God. I trust the God that he will come to save me. I will not leave the temple, You may go!” So, the man left. Soon, the water level started to rise and reached the waist height. The priest climbed on the desk. After a few minutes, a man with the boat came to rescue the priest. He told the priest, “I was told by the villagers that you are still inside the temple, so I have come to rescue you, please climb on the boat”. But the priest again refused to leave giving him the same reason. So the boatman left. The water kept rising and reached to the ceiling, so the priest climbed to the top of the temple. He kept praying to the God to save him. Soon the helicopter came, they dropped the rope ladder for the priest and asked him to climb on and get inside the helicopter so they can take him to the safer place. But the priest refused to leave by giving him the same reason again! So the helicopter left to search and help others. At last, when the temple nearly submerged under the water, the priest kept his head up and started complaining, “Oh Lord, I worshiped you for all my life and kept my faith in you! Why didn’t you come to save me?!” The God appeared in front of him and with a smile, he said, “Oh mad man, I came to save you three times! I came running to you to ask you to leave for the safest place with other villages, I came with a Boat, I came with a Helicopter! What is my fault if you didn’t recognize me?!” The priest realized his mistake and asked for forgiveness. He got his chance to go to the safe place one more time, which he accepted. Moral: In life, opportunities come unknowingly without any recolonization. We fail to recognize it and keep complaining that life didn’t give us the opportunity to lead a successful life. Always take every chance you get to make a better life.

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Sometimes Just let it be

Once Buddha was walking from one town to another town with a few of his followers. This was in the initial days. While they were traveling, they happened to pass a lake. They stopped there and Buddha told one of his disciples, “I am thirsty. Please get me some water from that lake there”. The disciple walked up to the lake. When he reached it, he noticed that some people were washing clothes in the water and, right at that moment, a bullock cart started crossing the lake right at the edge of it. As a result, the water became very muddy, very turbid. The disciple thought, “How can I give this muddy water to Buddha to drink?!” So he came back and told the Buddha, “The water in there is very muddy. I don’t think it is fit to drink”. So, the Buddha said, let us take a little rest here by the tree. After about half an hour, again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink. The disciple obediently went back to the lake. This time he found that the lake had absolutely clear water in it. The mud had settled down and the water above it looked fit to be had. So he collected some water in a pot and brought it to the Buddha. The Buddha looked at the water, and then he looked up at the disciple and said, “See, You let the water be and the mud settled down on its own. You got a clear water. It didn’t require any effort”. Moral: Your mind is also like that. When it is disturbed, just let it be. Give it a little time. It will settle down on its own. You don’t have to put in any effort to calm it down. We can judge and take best decisions of our life when we stay calm.

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Tenali Rama and the Trader

King Krishnadevaraya loved horses and had a collection of some of the best breed of horses in his stable. Once a horse trader from Arabia came to the court of Krishnadevaraya and told him that he had some very good breed of Arabian horses for sale. He invited the King to see the horse that he had brought with him and told him that if he liked it, he would send for the other horses too. The King loved the horse and told him that he would like all his horses. The King paid him 5000 gold coins as an advance, and the trader promised that he would return with the other horses in 2 days before leaving. Two days passed by, then two weeks and still, the trader did not return. The King got more and more anxious. One evening, to relax his mind, he went to take a stroll in the garden. There he saw Tenali Raman writing down something on a paper. The King went up to him and asked what he was writing. He did not get an answer. The King further quizzed him. Tenali then looked up and told the King that he was writing down the names of the biggest fools of the Vijayanagar Kingdom. The King took the paper from him and saw his name written at the top. He was furious with Tenali and asked for an explanation. To that Tenali replied that any man who gives away 5000 gold coins to a total stranger is a fool. The King then asked Tenali what if he returned with the horses; to which Tenali said then, in that case, that man would be a fool. He would then write down the trader’s name instead of the king’s. Moral: Do not believe in strangers blindly. The same goes when you do your business with anyone.

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The King and Macaw Parrots

Once upon a time, there was a king who had gone to visit neighboring kingdoms. He was gifted a pair of baby Macaw Parrots by the king of the last kingdom where he was visiting. They were the most beautiful birds he had ever seen. So, upon returning to his kingdom, he called for a bird trainer and asked him to train macaw parrots. The king also arranged a place in the palace garden for the parrots. He often looked at them from his palace window. As time passed, one day the trainer came to the palace and informed the king that though one of the parrots was flying majestically high in the sky, the other one was not moving from its branch since the day it had arrived. Upon hearing this, the king summoned trainer and healers from the nearby kingdoms. They all tried their best, but couldn’t make the parrot fly! He even asked his courtiers to try to find a way to make the parrot fly but they all failed. The parrot was not moving from his branch at all. Finally, after trying everything, the king thought that maybe he needs someone who may be more familiar with natural habitat. He asked his courtier to get a farmer from the countryside and take him to the parrot to see if he can understand the problem with the parrot. The next morning, the king was thrilled to see the parrot flying high above the palace gardens. He asked his servant to call that farmer to meet him. The servant quickly went and located the farmer, who came and stood before the king. The king asked him, “How did you make the parrot fly?” With his hands folded with respect, the farmer said to the king, “It was very easy, your majesty. I simply cut the branch where the bird was sitting.” Moral: We are all gifted with energy to find a success in our life, but fail to gather a courage which is required to reach heights of success and end up clinging to the things that are familiar to us. We need to free ourselves from our comfort zone to explore new opportunities and find a success beyond our capacity.

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Once upon a time there lived a wise cock in a village. He did his duties well. He crowed early in the morning, waking up the folks for their daily chores. the_dog_cock_fox One day, the cock was taking rest on a tree top. A wicked fox passed that way. The fox looked up and saw the handsome cock perched on the tree. The fox decided to eat the cock. So, he said in as sweet a voice as possible. “Hello, dear cock! I bring you news from Heaven. There is a new order laid for us. From now on, all birds and animals shall become friends and live together in peace”. The cock was astonished. He asked “Is it true?”. The fox replied yes. If you would like to test it, why not come down?”. Now, the cock began to think wise. He said, “Won’t you wait a minute. A few of our friends are coming along”. It was the fox’s turn to be surprised, “Friends! Who are coming? What do you mean?. The cock answered “I can see some Hounds coming. Let us wait for them”. On hearing the words ‘Hounds’ the fox got annoyed. He started to run away. The cock asked “Why are you running? What happened to our friendship?”. The only reply was “Forget it”. MORAL: WISE MEN CAN UNVEIL WICKEDNESS.

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A King’s Painting

Once upon a time, there was a Kingdom. The king there only had one leg and one eye, but he was very intelligent and kind. Everyone in his kingdom lived a happy and a healthy life because of their king. One day the king was walking through the palace hallway and saw the portraits of his ancestors. He thought that one day his children will walk in the same hallway and remember all the ancestors through these portraits. But, the king did not have his portrait painted. Due to his physical disabilities, he wasn’t sure how his painting would turn out. So he invited many famous painters from his and other kingdoms to the court. The king then announced that he wants a beautiful portrait made of himself to be placed in the palace. Any painter who can carry out this should come forward. He will be rewarded based on how the painting turns up. All of the painters began to think that the king only has one leg and one eye. How can his picture be made very beautiful? It is not possible and if the picture does not turn out to look beautiful then the king will get angry and punish them. So one by one, all started to make excuses and politely declined to make a painting of the king. But suddenly one painter raised his hand and said that I will make a very beautiful portrait of you which you will surely like. The king became happy hearing that and other painters got curious. The king gave him the permission and the painter started drawing the portrait. He then filled the drawing with paints. Finally, after taking a long time, he said that the portrait was ready! All of the courtiers, other painters were curious and nervous thinking, How can the painter make the king’s portrait beautiful because the king is physically disabled? What if the king didn’t like the painting and gets angry? But when the painter presented the portrait, everyone in the court, including the king, left stunned. The painter made a portrait in which the king was sitting on the horse, on the one-leg side, holding his bow and aiming the arrow with his one eye closed. The king was very pleased to see that the painter has made a beautiful portrait by cleverly hiding the king’s disabilities. The King gave him a great reward. Moral: We should always think positive of others and ignore their deficiencies. We should learn to focus on the good things instead of trying to hide weaknesses. If we think and approach positively even in a negative situation, then we will be able to solve our problems more efficiently.

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How to Never Let Anyone Control You

Buddha and his disciples never stay in one place for a long time. Because it will be a burden to the villagers as they depend on villagers for their food. One day Buddha went to a village he had never been to before. He knocked on the door of one of the houses in the village with his begging bowl. After some time, a lady came out. She became furious to see a monk with a begging bowl in his hand. Lady started abusing Buddha, “You are looking fit enough to work. Instead, you want to have food without working”. And she kept on abusing him. But Buddha stood still, listening without any reaction and waiting for her to finish. She paused to catch her breath. Then she asked, “Why are you standing as stone. You can say something.” Buddha said, “Mother if an offer has come and it is not accepted, to whom does it belong?” Lady replied, “I offer you nothing. Just get out of my place”. Buddha gently replied, “Mother, from the time I met you, you have been offering me whatever you have?” The Lady realized that Buddha was referring to the abuses. She asked “So, your question is, if the offer is not accepted, to whom does it belong.” Buddha smiled back. Lady realized her mistake, and she bowed to Buddha for forgiveness. Buddha said, “As a mirror reflects an object and like a standstill, the lake reflects the sky, take care of what you speak and how you act is always good. Every good thing you do, you will always get back goodness, and for every harm you do, you will always get back the same”. She thanked Buddha and bought some food for him. Buddha thanked her and continued his journey. Moral of the story: Never let anyone take control or empower you through their anger and words. Instead, be the mirror and reflect on them. Be mindful and control your emotions. By controlling yourself, you will never get affected by anyone. And the only person who is getting affected by the negativity in them. And remember, whatever you give to others, you will get the same in return.

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Learn The Best Way To Forgive And Forget

One day Buddha went to a village with his disciples. Hearing Buddha’s visit, many villagers turned out to seek his blessings. A businessman running a business with his children was furious with Buddha. He thought Buddha was doing something wrong by simply drawing his children and other people in the village to meditate without doing anything. And he felt spending time just seeing Buddha, whose eyes were always closed, was a complete waste of time. Instead, his Children should help his business to make more money. He said, “Today, I will teach him a lesson.” He went angrily towards Buddha. As soon as he approached Buddha, he felt some difference. But the anger in him did not dissipate. He was speechless and was not able to express his emotions in words. He slaps Buddha’s face. Buddha, in return, smiled back at him. Seeing this, his disciples and the villagers were furious with the businessman. But in Buddha’s presence, they controlled their emotions and kept quiet. The businessman noticed that his action had not drawn any reaction from the people around him. Then he thought, “If I continue staying here, I will explode again.” So he walked away from that place. He returned to his home. The image of a smiling Buddha occupied his mind. In his life, for the first time, he met someone who controlled their emotions for a disrespectful action. He went to sleep but could not sleep throughout the night. He was shivering. Businessman felt that something was happening to him and the whole world turned upside down. The next day, he went to Buddha and fell at his feet, “Please forgive me for my action.” Buddha replied, “I cannot forgive you.” Hearing Buddha’s reply, his disciples and villagers were shocked. Buddha has been compassionate throughout his life and accepted everyone in his ashram regardless of their past. And now he is saying he could not excuse businessman behavior. Sensing everyone’s shock, he explained, “Why should I excuse you when you have not done anything.” The businessman replied, “It is me yesterday slap on your face.” Buddha said, “That person is not here anymore. If I ever meet the person on whom you slap, I will tell him to excuse you!. Now to the person here in this moment, you are glorious, and you have not done anything wrong.” Moral of the story: In life, true forgiveness is not just saying, “I forgive you!. When we forgive a person, that person should never know. They should never feel guilty about their mistake. Instead, if we forgive them and keep reminding them about their mistake will make them guilty. Then it is not true forgiveness. It is a punishment.

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Rage an Enemy – Gautam Buddha Moral Stories in English

Once upon a time, Lord Gautama Buddha was sitting with his disciples and preaching to them. He then told his disciples, “Anger is the greatest enemy of everyone. The person who is angry not only hurts himself but also harms others. He burns in the fire of vengeance and ruins his life.” After his preaching was over, one of his disciples stands up and says to him, “You are a hypocrite! Your words are contrary to the way of life of men. You do not follow what you say, in your life. And tells others to do it all.” When his disciple was saying these things to Gautam Buddha, Gautam Buddha did not react and he was sitting silent. But, in such a situation, the person became even angrier and in anger, he spits on the mouth of Gautam Buddha! Even after this, Mahatma Gautama Buddha did not get angry and he was calm. He wiped the spit from his face and he sat quietly. Seeing all this, that disciple did not understand what he would do. Enraged, he left that place and went to his house the next day. By the time he reached his home, his mind had calmed down. In the end, he realized that he had made a big mistake. He has sinned. He began to say to himself in his mind, “What have I done. I have insulted Mahatma Buddha. How can I commit such a sin? I made a big mistake. I have to go and apologize to him.” Saying this, he immediately went to Gautama Buddha but Gautama Buddha was not at that place. In such a situation, the disciple wandered from place to place and started searching for him. As soon as he got the Buddha, he fell at his feet and started saying to him, “Forgive me. I have made a mistake and have insulted you. I have committed this great sin.” Seeing all this, Gautam Buddha said to him, “Calm down, tell me what’s the matter? Who are you?”

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Wisdom of Buddha – Gautam Buddha Moral Stories in English

Once upon a time, Gautama Buddha was on a journey with his disciples. While walking on the journey, Buddha felt thirsty, so he asked one of his disciples to go and fetch me drinking water. Now, when that disciple looked around, no source of water was found anywhere. But when he tried more, he found a source of water on the way. There he saw that some people are washing clothes in the source of that water. Then suddenly a bullock cart from there passed over the source of that water. In such a situation, all the water there became dirty and the water became muddy. Then he thought that how can he take that dirty water and muddy water for Buddha? So he went back empty-handed and went to Gautam Buddha. He told everything to Buddha. Buddha said okay don’t worry. We all sit here and relax in the shade of this big tree. After some time Gautama Buddha asked the same disciple to bring water again. Now that disciple went back to the same water source. Going there he saw that the water was absolutely clean and potable. Now he took that water for the Buddha. He gave that water to Gautam Buddha. Buddha told everyone that the way mud or dust spread in the water. But after leaving it for a while, all his mud or dirt sat down and the water cleared back. In the same way, our brain is also. When our brain is disturbed, then give it time and calm it down. Our brain will also be calm after a short time. No decision should be taken with a restless mind. All we have to do is to keep our brains calm for a while so that we can make good decisions. Children’s stories. The moral of the story- Is decisions taken from a restless mind are always wrong. We should always make a decision with a calm mind, which reduces the chances of making mistakes.

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Don’t Have to Accept Everything – Gautam Buddha Moral Stories in English

Gautam Buddha preached from place to place and shared good thoughts. He would help others to overcome the sufferings of their lives. People would be very happy to hear his words. That is why everyone used to like him very much. But there were some people who were jealous of Gautama Buddha. Once, Gautam Buddha was traveling with his disciples, then a person came to him and started abusing Buddha. Even after hearing all this, Mahatma Buddha did not react. He remained calm and silent. In such a situation, the man again abused Gautam Buddha and started saying bad things about his ancestors, but still Mahatma Buddha did not give him any response and he kept calm. Seeing all this, his disciples and the people around him were wondering why Mahatma Buddha is not giving any answer to that person? After some time the person calmed down on his own. Then, the Buddha said, “If someone gives us a gift, it is up to us whether we take it or not. If we accept it, it comes to us. Whereas if we don’t accept it So it goes to the same person who gave the gift. Similarly, it is up to me to accept or not to abort this person. We should never react immediately. We should always calm down and think about right or wrong. It helps to avoid the worst and also gets rid of troubles. “ After hearing all these things of Buddha, that person became embarrassed and immediately fell at Buddha’s feet and started apologizing to him. The Buddha forgave him and went ahead

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Buddha and Beggar – Gautam Buddha Moral

Once a beggar was upset with his life because he had to beg to run his life. He had to beg for everything. He would remain unhappy about this and thought about how his life would change? Thinking that he would be disappointed. Every day he would see that many frustrated people, people with tears in their eyes and troubled by various worries were going towards Gautam Buddha and they were very happy while returning. That beggar could not understand what Gautam Buddha used to do to them so that they would become very happy? While returning there was neither a lot of money in the hands of the people nor gold and silver, then what happened that people were so happy while returning from Buddha? Thinking all this, the beggar also decided that he too will go to Mahatma Buddha and see what is happening there that unhappy people go to him and become happy?

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How To View PDF Files In Your Website Very Easy

So Here Is The Code That Helps You View PDF files and other Formats In your Website By Using Only One Line. Codes, Preview File In That Code We Are Using A tag to send the file we want to view in Google Docs so that i may read your file note: you enter invalid url this wont work if Not Working Comment Below I will Help You

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Noble Eight Fold Path or Middle Way

The path to ending the suffering of people is known as Noble Eightfold Path or Middle Way. Noble Eightfold Path is one of the principal teachings of Buddha. These teachings of Buddha described the way leading to a acessation of dukkha and the state of self-awakening. The Noble Eightfold path is described below: 1. Right View: What is right view? Knowledge about the cause of suffering, knowledge to end the cause of suffering, knowledge to way of path to end the suffering. This is called right view. 2. Right Intention: Right intention can also be called as “right thought”. Understanding the right view, one should be able to differentiate between right intention and wrong intention. One should be resolved to be free from ill will is what right intention will teach you. 3. Right Speech: One should always keep themselves from lying and ill speech. One should make best use of their speech and abandon false speech and always speak truth. 4. Right Conduct: Never hurting others, criticizing others, well behaving, are the right conduct. One should never conduct any actions that may harm others. 5. Right Livelihood "Do not earn your living by harming others. Do not seek happiness by making others unhappy." The Buddha. One should never choose living where his way of living may directly or indirectly harm others. 6. Right Effort Right effort can also be called “right endeavor”. One should always try to take any action on the goodwill of people. 7. Right Mindfulness People must constantly keep their mind to phenomena that may affect the body and mind. This means one must be aware of their thoughts, words, and action. 8. Right Concentration Also known as “right meditation”, Right concentration teach people to concentrate and focus one thing or object at a time. Thus leading quiet and peaceful mind. Following these 8 Noble Eightfold Path, one can cultivate their wisdom and thus leading to the path to attain “nirvana”.

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people live hard life others live unhealthy but there are some natural medicines that you can follow and made them habits so that you can have a healthy beautiful life, this dont have to be done by those who are sick but even it can be good for your life and help to prevent some diseases. take this challenge in your day habit like in 60 days and see how your life is going to change. 1.NUTRITION many people eat because they have to do that even not caring for what their body needs, what them consume and the effect it can cause to their life so if you want healthy life look for what you give your body try to eat all type of foods and try to stop those which are not good to your life like smoking and others. your life is in your arms and what you consume came from your hand try to focus on them and make them favorable for your life. 2.EXRCISES many things like physical exercises is for those with overweight or those who have other diseases but all level of people around the world need exercises so try to work out from at least 3 times a week this will help your muscles to function well, it will reduce risks pf blood pressure because it helps to regulate speed of blood in vessels and also it reduces risk of some heart diseases so physical exercises is needed in everyday life. we can say exercises and forget mental exercises this also needed to make your mental health healthy so this include meditation, reading every day, writing and other mental exercises than will boost your mental health this is needed because it reduces high stress, it also reduces risks of depression and other mental related diseases. in your everyday life increase your physical and mental exercises. 3.WATER people dont drink water and others when they try they take little amount so if you want healthy life try to drink clean water and according to your weight and amount needed by your body even we don’t have to drink water because we feel thrust but we can set regular time to drink water and set specific amount of water to drink daily. take water everyday help to remove some harmful substances it also helps to clean body and also water is needed because it takes large part in our body.

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Many people struggle how to live happily in this life but here are some secrets you can follow to live happy. 1. DON’T HATE Many people take their time to hate others but if you want to be happy try to know that to take your time and hate someone else is the punishment you give to yourself because most people don’t tell others that their hate them so it became like burden on their shoulders that can’t let them feel freely and happily because their always there to observe their enemies if they are failing, suffering or anything bad happen to them, so if you want to life a happy life try to reduce the way you hate others because it will burden you for nothing. 2. DON’T WORRY Try to worry less because this reduce stress and lower risks of depression, those who believe in God trust that all thing has been planned by God and those who don’t trust that whom you are today can describe whom you gone be in future but all those comes to make us worry less but work hard for better future, don’t drop yourself in the cage of stress but to make yourself always optimistic and positive mined this will reduce your worries and make you always find ways to solve your problem rather than being worry which cannot even solve any of your problems, so make yourself aware of worries but try to live the best life you had to day. 3. GIVE MORE Many people like to receive rather than giving but if you give it brings happiness in your life and boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. Many people like to help and give are the ones with happy life 20% above those who don’t. let try this task “if you go to the restaurant give a tip to the waiter and thank him/her for better service” you will be happy with it and that one who receive will be happy and increase his/her sprit to work. So if you want to be happy try to give more than you receive. 4. EXPECT LESS According to the ended point many people give because they are expecting to receive too, but if it isn’t done in that way they feel disappointed but if you want to live a happy life try to expect less because now-days people don’t give like the way they get so try to expect less than what you give because this can’t drop you in condition of feeling disappointed to anyone by not doing things as you think it to be done, this also help you to calm yourself from any conditions, so if you want to be happy expect less. 5. LIVE SIMPLY Simple life is only thing that can bring happiness to your life, live a life of your level don’t be ashamed of who you are but live a simple life you can afford and try to make everything simple if you can’t change anything don’t be stressed for it but try to be as simpler as possible. So if you want to live happy life try yourself to be simple.

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